Wednesday, February 12, 2014

School Lunch Program for poor kids

This girl is getting ready for lunch by washing her hands.
She is one of the kids who is pretty poor.
So its why childcare worldwide made this lunch program because most 
of the kids in the program don't get to eat food at home.

Can you imagine this little girl was eating dinner at
home with her family and she doesn't always get enough food to eat at home.
So, they were home eating dinner and when she finished her small portion 
she wanted more.  So she got some more and started eating it.
Then, her grandma cut her ear and her head because she ate some more food.
and their family had very little.

These are the types of kids that receive food from this program.


  1. That story is hard to imagine. Most of us in class couldn't believe that a child would not be allowed to have more food! We are praying for you and your mom as you continue to serve people who have such big needs!

  2. Thank you Nathan for reminding me today to be grateful for what I have and to always, always focus on finding ways to share with those who need it.
