Monday, February 24, 2014

Meeting Mark Mayengo

Mark Mayengo 

Hi.  This is Mark.  Our school sponsors him.  Wow, he is older than I thought.  He is 15 years old and in his second year of high school.  He is five years older than me.  I thought he was funny and energetic.  I was surprised that he had played some video games.  He likes playing soccer, but he mainly likes basketball.  

We were lucky to spend most of a day with Mark.  We even took him for lunch at the hotel.  He had never been to a restaurant before.  Mark ate two mountains of food at the buffet.  (I had three mountains of food.)

Kids at our school wrote letters to him, and one girl gave him a bracelet.  He kept smiling and reading the letters from the kids.  I think he really liked learning that he had 200 sponsors.

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