Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Food for Families (part 1)

So this is one of the families we saw and this family 
needs a lot of help. She had 8 kids, and four with heart 
problems died so now she has 4.
Theres one inside that can't really move that well so she is inside
and this family needs help because it cost a lot of money 
to pay for all those kids. Theres 2 right now that still have heart problems and need medicine.
The mom had a husband assaulted her and abandoned the family.    So i pray for this family that God will be with them.

Can you imagine.  This is their stove.  The rocks hold the pot and a fire is built in the center.


  1. That story really shows the needs of this family. It's great to be able to see and hear about what you are doing to help others on your trip!

  2. Amazing about the rock stove. And here we are at home with our microwave oven, stove top, oven, rice cookers, crock pots,..... we are blessed here at home!
