Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Food for Families (Part 2)

This little girl is so cute. But her family is very poor 
and she doesn't get enough food. So thats why Childcare Worldwide
gives survival packs to this family.

So this is the food we gave her family .
They receive survival packs once a month.

I think she's pretty happy she got  those beans.


  1. I love the last picture, Nathan. Sometimes I love food so much and get so excited about eating it that I wish I could hold it in my arms like that little girl! ...... Of course, then I would get it all over me. Could you imagine me hugging my favorite food, a rack of ribs??!! Too funny. Praying for you two! -- Miss Montes

  2. Nathan, your comments helped me understand that the children are not only cute, but they lack the basics of life like water and food. Thank you for pointing that out. My wife and I sponsor three children. We often think that because we sponsor them there life is suddenly much better. Obviously, that is not entirely true. We are helping just a bit. Their families need a lot more assistance, so everyone in the family has food and clean water.
