Monday, February 24, 2014

Meeting Mark Mayengo

Mark Mayengo 

Hi.  This is Mark.  Our school sponsors him.  Wow, he is older than I thought.  He is 15 years old and in his second year of high school.  He is five years older than me.  I thought he was funny and energetic.  I was surprised that he had played some video games.  He likes playing soccer, but he mainly likes basketball.  

We were lucky to spend most of a day with Mark.  We even took him for lunch at the hotel.  He had never been to a restaurant before.  Mark ate two mountains of food at the buffet.  (I had three mountains of food.)

Kids at our school wrote letters to him, and one girl gave him a bracelet.  He kept smiling and reading the letters from the kids.  I think he really liked learning that he had 200 sponsors.

Uganda School Feeding

This is a girl that gets food from the school feeding program at Ssisa School near Entebbe.  She looks happy.

I photobombed this picture that my mom was taking.

This girl was hungry, but was not part of the program.  Even though she was supposed to go home.  She stayed.  

Finally someone shared a small handful of rice with her.

Then later, a worker came and gave her some rice.  It was good that she stayed.  She waited patiently and God met her need.  There are many kids that need food.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Water in Uganda

These are jerry cans.
The kids carry them down to get water.
Some times the jerry cans are dirty.

This is us and the kids walking down to get the water.
It was a pretty long walk to the water.
It was really hot so I put my hat on so my head wouldn't feel so hot.

This is where the kids got their water.
Clean water comes out of this pipe.
This was during school so there wasn't such a big line.
But after school, many people from the community come to get the water 
and there's a big line.

This is the unclean water.

When there's a big line people get their water out of this.
I saw people do it.
By the way animals use this water  too.  This is why people should 
only get it out of the clean water.

These kids are carrying the water back to the school.
The hill was pretty steep and the jerry cans filled with water were quite heavy.
And I also helped the kids carry them back.

These kids look happy with the water.

Children of Uganda (part 2)

This kid was so cute and funny
He kept hanging around us.

I was talking with the kids in English and Luganda. I did most of the talking and they listened.
This girl on the right she got burned really bad
with really hot water.

I think this boy loves shoveling.
He just went over there, picked up the shovel and started shoveling.
But he was so small, and he looked happy doing it.

This lady, her name is  scout and brought some nail polish.
She brought it to paint girls nails,
and to make them happy.

This is a boy from the  family.
He looked like this the whole time, like he wasn't very happy.

Children of Uganda (Part 1)

This is in Uganda.
We visited another family.
This baby one of the kids in the family.

These are some more kids in the family.
By the way the house was pretty small  for  6 kids and 2 adults.
The whole house was smaller than my bedroom.

The family was pretty happy when they got the food.
They were all smiling .

This is some more food they got.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


SO this guy is a Maasai its a tribe in Kenya.
They herd cows and goats.

So we stayed in this hotel that was one of those with wild animals 
and when we went outside our door we saw a camel.

On the boat safari we saw 3 giraffes. Wow they were really tall.

We saw these two birds.  Don't they look like they are in love. So they are love birds.

This was scary.  When we were on the boat safari,
we saw many hippo families.  But this one had the most in their family.
As you can see they are  fighting. We were pretty close to them.

Our boat went close to the shore, so we could see these water buffalo.  I think they were staring at us.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Water Problems

So this is one of the kids carrying a water jug.
When we are driving around I see big ones of those and small ones.
And next to these people carrying them, I see a river with mud in it.  This is where
they get their water and that's not good for them

School Lunch Program for poor kids

This girl is getting ready for lunch by washing her hands.
She is one of the kids who is pretty poor.
So its why childcare worldwide made this lunch program because most 
of the kids in the program don't get to eat food at home.

Can you imagine this little girl was eating dinner at
home with her family and she doesn't always get enough food to eat at home.
So, they were home eating dinner and when she finished her small portion 
she wanted more.  So she got some more and started eating it.
Then, her grandma cut her ear and her head because she ate some more food.
and their family had very little.

These are the types of kids that receive food from this program.

Food for Families (Part 2)

This little girl is so cute. But her family is very poor 
and she doesn't get enough food. So thats why Childcare Worldwide
gives survival packs to this family.

So this is the food we gave her family .
They receive survival packs once a month.

I think she's pretty happy she got  those beans.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Food for Families (part 1)

So this is one of the families we saw and this family 
needs a lot of help. She had 8 kids, and four with heart 
problems died so now she has 4.
Theres one inside that can't really move that well so she is inside
and this family needs help because it cost a lot of money 
to pay for all those kids. Theres 2 right now that still have heart problems and need medicine.
The mom had a husband assaulted her and abandoned the family.    So i pray for this family that God will be with them.

Can you imagine.  This is their stove.  The rocks hold the pot and a fire is built in the center.

Monday, February 10, 2014

On the Road

On our way to Nakuru, Kenya we saw zebras on the side of the road.  We were right beside them when I took these pictures.